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The Home Office Deduction

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Avoiding unnecessary tax liability involves understanding many of the business-related deductions the IRS offers entrepreneurs. If you run your business from your home, you may be entitled to a home office deduction on the square footage of your home being used exclusively for your business. The

image1“exclusivity” test is taken very seriously by IRS auditors. The section of your   home that you claim is used for business must be partitioned in some way and personal-use either by you or other members of your family must be nominal (according to IRS, allowing your son to do his homework in your home office is enough to disqualify the deduction).

The second requirement is that the home office must be used as a principal place of business. The office must be used regularly (and exclusively for business) or it must be an area that is used primarily for meeting with clients. This does not mean, however that if you use an outside office from time-to-time you are disqualified from the home office deduction. So long as the office is used to complete substantial administrative or managerial tasks for the business, the second requirement will be met.

The ultimate payoff is that a number of direct and indirect expenses that would otherwise be personal, nondeductible expenses can be converted to business write-offs and consequently lower your overall tax bill (this includes the cost of phones or internet service, the cost of repairing the office, a certain percentage of utilities, insurance, taxes and much more). A well-drafted Home Office Lease between your corporation or LLC and yourself would be a great place to start.

Visit our website for more information and to make sure your interests are protected.


Legally Get Out Of A Commercial Lease

Legally Get Out Of A Commercial Lease published on

You are tied up in a commercial lease. For some reason (good or bad) you need to terminate the lease. You may be growing so fast that you have outgrown the current facility or you may unfortunately not be as profitable as you planned. How can you legally get out of your lease?

Make sure you know what you are signing up for BEFORE you sign on the dotted line. Read the lease agreement and be sure you understand what all the provisions mean. Try to think about all possible scenarios that may happen during the tenure of your lease; address any concerns you have with the landlord at this time.

There are provisions that can be written into the agreement that will allow you to cancel the lease, i.e.


Break Clause – A break clause gives you or the landlord an option to terminate a lease when the condition of the break clause is met. For example, it may be included in the lease hat the tenant or landlord can break the least at a specific date.

Assignment – Writing in a provision that allows for assignment, meaning you have the right to sell your lease right to a new tenant.

Breach of lease agreement – A lease may be terminated by you or the landlord when the other party significantly breaks the terms of the lease agreement.

In addition there are many other provisions that you want to think about before you sign a lease. What about if the lease calls for a personal guarantee? How about cost for leasehold improvements?

A lease is a complex and important obligation for any new business owner. If you enter into a lease agreement blindly, you are taking a big risk.

Visit our website for more information and to make sure your interests are protected before signing any commercial lease.



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Trademark Your Company’s Name or Loose it

Trademark Your Company’s Name or Loose it published on

Careless licensing of your trademark could lead to the loss of your trademark protection. Trademarks prevent others from using your brand name, thereby allowing you to protect the quality of the brand’s goods or services in the marketplace. Additional value of your trademark may be realized through licensing the use of your brand by others. Within the licensing agreement, the licensee must agree to quality control provisions for the benefit of the trademark holder, and the trademark holder must exercise those provisions to actively ensure the licensee is keeping up the quality of the brand. An agreement missing these terms is referred to as “naked licensing.” In one recent state court case, the court found the trademark holder had failed to include the terms in the licensing of the brand, and as a result, the trademark holder had effectively abandoned the trademark.



The law firm of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. will provide you with professional and quality service toward the processing of your Trademark, Copyright or Trade Dress order. Below we’ve provided links for Trademark, Trade Dress, and Copyright information. We hope to answer all your questions. It is possible that there might be some unanswered questions even after you look through our material. Never hesitate to give us a call. Of course if you know all that there is to know about Trademark registrations, Trademark searches, Common Law searches, Trade Dress, Copyright, et cetera then you may proceed to the online secure order forms. Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. will deliver the professional service and affordable prices that all our clients have come to expect from us!


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Is Your Website Legal?

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Building and launching a website can be very useful and efficient tool for small business owners. However, there are some considerations all business owners should keep in mind when launching their websites to prevent penalties from regulatory agencies.

You Need a Privacy Policy. If you collect even one iota of information from those who visit your website, you need a privacy policy. For example, if you have a blog that gives visitors the option of signing up for your newsletter or RSS feed by entering their name and/or email address, you need a privacy policy. A privacy policy is designed to let visitors know what information you are collecting when they visit your site, what you use this information for, and whether you share this information with third parties. If you collect payment through your website, you will need a policy in place. Website owners also need to include a statement about how you’ll notify visitors if and when your privacy policy changes. This is usually done by an update to the privacy policy page on your website.

You Need Terms of Use. Terms of use, also known as terms and conditions, serve as the contract between your business and website visitors who make purchases from your website. Your terms will be useless unless they are tailored to the way you do business and interact with folks via your website. Terms of use can cover a wide variety of topics; some examples include your right to use information posted by users on your site, whether and how your intellectual property posted on the site may be used by users, and payment terms, warranties and liabilities waived, account management, site security, jurisdiction for any lawsuits arising from their use of your site.


Phone: (800) 603-3900


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Why Should I Form a Professional Corporation

Why Should I Form a Professional Corporation published on

There are many advantages when forming a Professional Service Corporation. Professional corporations are entitled to favorable tax treatments, liability protections and other benefits provided under the corporate structure. It’s operated by professionals such as: physicians, chiropractors, dentists, veterinarians, physical therapists, pharmacists, registered professional nurses, licensed practical nurses, licensed midwives, podiatrists, optometrists, opticians, engineering and land surveyors, architects, landscape architects, public accountants, shorthand reporters, psychologists, social workers, massage therapists, occupational therapists, dietitians and nutritionists, speech language pathologists and audiologists acupuncturists, interior designers, athletic trainers, mental health practitioners and respiratory therapists.


It may be that the shareholders of the professional corporation may only be other professional licensed or otherwise legally authorized to render the same professional service as the Professional Corporation or Limited Liability Company. Of course, employees of the professional corporation such as clerks, secretaries, bookkeepers, technicians, and other assistants who are not licensed are not considered to be rendering professional services. It may be that transfers of stock or membership interest may only be made to licensed professionals or professional corporations or professional limited liability companies.

Tax Advantages?

The answer is YES! The benefit of forming a professional corporation can be substantial, compared to the inexpensive cost of forming such an entity. There are several tax deductions professional corporations can take advantage that other types of businesses can’t. For example, the salaries and bonuses paid to owners and employees are tax deductible.


With the skyrocketing cost of healthcare it becomes a necessity that individuals carry health insurance on themselves and their families. Sole proprietorships and partnerships are currently able to deduct only a portion of the health insurance costs from their taxes, which can be prohibitive to many or inhibit obtaining insurance coverage. A professional corporation, however, is able to fully deduct the cost of accident and health insurance plans for its employees and their families. This deduction could also extend to the cost of reimbursing employees for their uninsured medical expenses. Furthermore, a professional corporation may be able to deduct the cost of life and disability insurance.

What about Legal Advantages?

Professional Corporations can be important for those who practice in a group or with another physician. In this situation, the use of a Professional Corporations can protect against personal liability for the negligence of a partner. That’s a good reason why group practices are often structured as a single Professional Corporations or as a partnership of Professional Corporations with each physician owning his own corporation.

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. lawyers are qualified and highly experienced in Forming Professional Service Corporation and Limited Liability Company. For over 20 years Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. has been serving its 260 000 clients with the utmost respect and quality services. Our prices are the lowest in the industry and we guarantee a top rated service. Make sure to visit our website today for more details!

To find more information about Forming a Professional Service Corporation click here:


Phone: (800) 603-3900

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“Understanding your business is our business”

Form a Dual Class Limited Liability Company with AmeriLawyer

Form a Dual Class Limited Liability Company with AmeriLawyer published on


The Dual Class LLC is a special type of LLC that follows proposed IRS regulations which allow an LLC to be deemed analogous to a limited partnership for Federal Income Tax purposes. The Dual Class LLC is structured to admit both active, management-providing members (“General Members”) in addition to more passive, capital-contributing members (“Limited Members”). In doing so, the members/owners acting solely as limited partners are not subject to the Self Employment (“SE”) tax.

Here’s how it works. The Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. Dual Class LLC is divided as follows:

Class A General Member Units: The smaller manager class receives a priority preferred return of income (for example, a management or sales fee arrangement) that is contingent on the profitability of the LLC. As such, it may not be a fixed compensation amount or it will constitute a guaranteed amount, which is prohibited.

Class B Limited Member Units: This portion of the LLC membership interests is the cash-contributing members’ interest and is structured as a non-manager class qualifying for limited partner status. This class receives a cumulative preferred-priority return of profits based on their unreturned capital contributions, whereas the smaller active manager class would not.

For example, assume a Dual Class LLC with three Members: Perry Manson and Samuel Adamson are Limited Members initially investing $50,000 each into the Dual Class LLC and Angela Dickeyson is the General Member and she is putting in “sweat equity” (future services) with an agreed-upon value of $50,000 over the course of two years. To the extent that Angela is providing services to the Dual Class LLC, she will be subject to the SE tax while Perry and Samuel will not be.

Legal Advice Doesn’t have to be Expensive!

Often times folks tend to stress about the cost of legal services and setting up your corporation. At, we are committed to making sure you always receive the best price and value on every purchase you make. Our 110% Lowest Price Guarantee is a testament to that commitment.

If you should find a lower price on an item we offer from a legitimate competitor, whether online or otherwise, even if that item is already on sale, we will not only meet 100% of the lower price, we will beat the price by an additional 10% of the difference to thank you for bringing it to our attention.

To find more information about forming a Dual Class LLC click here:


Phone: (800) 603-3900


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“Understanding your business is our business”

Form a Sub Chapter S Corporation with AmeriLawyer

Form a Sub Chapter S Corporation with AmeriLawyer published on

The Sub Chapter S Corporation is an attractive form of doing business because it combines the business and legal characteristics of a corporation with many of the income tax characteristics of a partnership. For flow-through of profits and losses to the owners, the Subchapter S Corporation is treated in a manner similar to a partnership. For other purposes, such as limited liability, distributions, redemptions and reorganizations, the Sub Chapter S Corporation is treated much like a regular corporation.

What are the tax benefits of a Sub Chapter S Corporation? A regular Corporation is subject to federal and state Corporate Income Taxes. Therefore, profits are taxed first on the corporate level and then again at the individual level of the shareholders to whom the profits are distributed.

This double taxation could result in a combined taxation rate of 70% or higher! A Sub Chapter S Corporation is exempt from federal and state corporate Income Tax, so that the earnings of the Corporation flow directly to the owners.

What are the requirements of a “small business corporation?” A small business corporation is a domestic corporation that:

– Is not an ineligible corporation (such as a bank, insurance company, possessions corporation or domestic international sales corporation);

– Does not have more than 100 shareholders (spouses and families are now counted as one shareholder);

– Does not have shareholders other than individuals, estates, certain trusts, or certain tax-exempt organizations;

– Has no nonresident alien shareholders; and

– Does not have more than one class of stock (i.e., has only common stock, not both common and preferred).

Starting a business is hard work, but that does not mean that it needs to consume your entire life. Let Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. relieve your stress so you can enjoy the freedom and independence that led you to start your own enterprise in the first place. Call us or Email us today so that we can serve you by setting up your Sub Chapter S Corporation.

For one low fee, your Sub Chapter S Corporation is COMPLETE and

INCLUDES FREE State Filing Fees.
INCLUDES FREE Corporate or Company Seal and Book.
INCLUDES FREE Certificate or Articles of Incorporation or Organization.
INCLUDES FREE Company or Corporate Minutes.
INCLUDES FREE Membership or Stock Certificate.
INCLUDES FREE Preliminary Name Search.

Yes, even INCLUDES Attorney’s Fee (No Hidden Attorney Fees).

Visit our Website today!

To find more information about Sub Chapter S Corporations click here:
Phone: (800) 603-3900

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Why Should You Form A Corporation

Why Should You Form A Corporation published on

The formation of a corporation as a business entity can help reduce your taxes and also provide peace of mind by protecting your personal assets. Here at Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. we want to help you Incorporate a Business and we have put together three advantages on how you can enjoy its benefits.

The most important reason to incorporate is to protect yourself from personal liability. When you incorporate, you are forming a legal entity that is separate from yourself as an individual. The Corporation has powers vested upon it that allows it to make all the decisions that an individual may make. For example, the Corporation may enter into leases, the Corporation may borrow money, it may buy goods and services on credit, and in all cases you are not personally liable for the transaction. If a problem arises, the only recourse would be against the Corporation, similarly, if anyone were to ever file a lawsuit for an action arising out of the business of the Corporation, that party would not be able to go after your personal assets such as your home, or car or boat etc., as long as you comply with the formalities of a Corporation. Therefore you have the peace of mind knowing that your personal assets are safe.

Tax Flexibility

One of the greatest advantages of forming a corporation is that you can elect to be taxed as a corporation. You could avoid double taxation of corporate dividends and profits by choosing Sub Chapter S tax status.


When you incorporate, you are forming a legal entity that is separate from yourself as an individual. The Corporation has powers vested upon it that allows it to make all the decisions that an individual may make. For example, the Corporation may enter into leases, the Corporation may borrow money, it may buy goods and services on credit, and in all cases you are not personally liable for the transaction. If a problem arises, the only recourse would be against the Corporation, similarly, if anyone were to ever file a lawsuit for an action arising out of the business of the Corporation, that party would not be able to go after your personal assets such as your home, or car or boat etc., as long as you comply with the formalities of a Corporation. Therefore you have the peace of mind knowing that your personal assets are safe.

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. lawyers are qualified and highly experienced in Forming Corporations, Limited Liability Company and Sub Chapter S Corporations. For over 20 years Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. has been serving its 260 000 clients with the utmost respect and quality services. Our prices are the lowest in the industry and we guarantee a top rated service. Make sure to visit our website today for more details!

To find more information about Incorporating a Business click here:


Phone: (800) 603-3900


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“Understanding your business is our business”