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Increase Sales With Proven Customer Service Techniques

Increase Sales With Proven Customer Service Techniques published on

How much business do you lose as a result of poor sales and customer service skills? If all your management, employees, and sales force work on some simple techniques, the returns in sales and customer satisfaction will amaze you!

FOCUSING ON THE CLIENT: A successful business must take the wants and needs of its clients into consideration. If you are able to listen and tailor the way you present your services or products to match each client’s individual needs or wants, it will result in a much more powerful and successful sales strategy than simply delivering a general, all-purpose pitch about a particular service or product that you are offering. Your message should highlight exactly how that particular service or product fits and suits this unique client. Personalize and focus on them.

1. Remember to accentuate the benefits, emphasize the points where you have a competitive advantage and the benefits the services or your products offer the customer.

2. At the same time, remember the more you know about your products or services and what they will do for the customer, the more likely you can prove to them its a valuable item for them.

DEALING WITH OBJECTIONS: Good customer services and sales skills require that you anticipate and deal with any reason the client may choose to challenge or not buy the particular service or product. Try to anticipate what the objections might be and have a response for those objections ready; you will be surprised at the results.

Make MoneyAlso, a “no” today may very well mean a “yes” tomorrow. Often, when presented with new concepts and options, the customer will not be ready to make the decision at that time. You go over the products or services, the benefits, what the services and products can do for the customer, and you will be surprised as to how you may very well receive a telephone call in the near future to take advantage of your previous offer.

If you are focusing on the customer, you know your products or services, deal with the decision maker and deal with any possible objections, you stand a great chance of being successful in your efforts.

If your client believe that you are working with their best interest at heart as well as your own, they are more likely to be honest about what they view as their alternatives, and more able to listen to what you have to say. This will, overall, make for a more positive business relationship environment and assist you in developing good business working relationships.

If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have business related questions, call (800) 734-9900 or for assistance. Remember, as a member of the  General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. is a corporate law firm with its main offices located in Miami, Florida with offices throughout the United States. As a law firm, we do more than just help you form your business entity. We stand ready to help with the maintenance of your legal business entity! We will assist you with Incorporation Service, Trademarks,Copyrights, Estate Planning, Legal Counsel, Wills, Trusts, Agreements & Leases, Corporate & Company

Protect Your Capital With A Company Formation Agreement

Protect Your Capital With A Company Formation Agreement published on

If you are entering into a business arrangement with another, you should consider whether or not you should enter into an agreement to form a Corporation or Limited Liability Company and which issues should be addressed in such agreement. If that was your line of thinking, then you’re already on the right track.

Without an agreement to form a Corporation or Limited Liability Company, there may be numerous uncertainties as to the relationship between the owners, the expectations and goals of the parties, and as to how the Corporation or Limited Liability Company should be managed and operated. Furthermore, without any written agreement to the contrary, the owners may have the right to share equally in the capital and profits of the business, even if that was not the original intent of the parties.

AgreementThe foregoing problems can be avoided simply by entering into a properly drafted agreement to form a Corporation or Limited Liability Company which can set out rules concerning matters such as percentage of ownership and ownership rights for the Corporation or Limited Liability Company, profit and loss allocation, management and decision making, permitted expenses, and determining how disputes will be handled.

If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have questions about Business Agreements, call (800) 734-9900 or clubassist@amerilawyer.comfor assistance. Remember, as a member of the  General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. is a corporate law firm with its main offices located in Miami, Florida with offices throughout the United States. As a law firm, we do more than just help you form your business entity. We stand ready to help with the maintenance of your legal business entity! We will assist you with Incorporation Service, Trademarks,Copyrights, Estate Planning, Legal Counsel, Wills,Trusts, Agreements & Leases, Corporate & Company

How To Profit Off Tax Delinquency

How To Profit Off Tax Delinquency published on

Know what you are purchasing

When you initially buy a lien, you are not buying an actual piece of land. Instead, your investment is on the debt or delinquent taxes of the property, who has fallen behind on payments. The buyer is given first position on the title of the property over others after he/she has paid the outstanding taxes. However, every State is different. Make sure you know the interest rate and return per year. Sale dates vary from State to State as well. Each state usually has one or two predetermined months any given year. The timing is important when calculating potential returns on your lien.

Tax Delinquency

Calculating Rate-of-Return on the Lien Certificate

When you try to buy a certificate, it is sold at face value plus interest and administrative charges. The lien interest rate is either bid down or the entire purchase price is bid up to a premium bid. The property owner must repay the lien amount to the certificate holder plus an interest rate between 16% and 18%. The property owner also has a set redemption period to pay the lien. If the lien is not paid by the set deadline, the certificate holder can foreclose and obtain the property deed.

If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have questions about buying tax liens, call (800) 734-9900 or for assistance. Remember, as a member of the  General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. is a corporate law firm with its main offices located in Miami, Florida with offices throughout the United States. As a law firm, we do more than just help you form your business entity. We stand ready to help with the maintenance of your legal business entity! We will assist you with Incorporation Service, Trademarks,Copyrights, Estate Planning, Legal Counsel, Wills, Trusts, Agreements & Leases, Corporate & Company

What Investors Look For In A Business

What Investors Look For In A Business published on

Seeking an investor to fund your new business can be stressful. Here are a few tips as to what investors look for when evaluating whether to invest in a new company to better prepare you to pitch an idea to investors:


  1. Financial performance. It is crucial that you are able to prove to potential investors that your company has excellent financial performance. Be prepared to answer questions about the financial stability of your company and ideas relating to potential areas of growth. Debt repayment plans should also be properly presented. Expect investors to evaluate the company’s revenue streams acquisition cost and turnover rates.
  2. Experience. Investors don’t want to invest in your mistakes, instead they seek experienced entrepreneurs and management teams with a track record of performance in the industry. Most investors will research your credentials and areas of expertise and your passion and commitment should clearly be evident to inspire confidence in investors.
  3. Uniqueness. Your company needs to be unique and you must prove to your investors that your market potential is big enough to make investing worthwhile. Investors look for features that distinguish your company from competitors such as intellectual property rights and distribution relationships.
  4. Large market size. The larger and more stable your customer base is, the stronger competitive advantage you will have when pitching to investors. A larger and more stable customer base will serve as proof that your company has a great impact to its target market.


InvestorsInvestors look for a company that can grow quickly and manage its growth. Investors must see that the company can generate significant profits beyond the initial product idea with adequate financial projections and a plan to include multiple sources of revenue.

If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have business related questions, call (800) 734-9900 or for assistance. Remember, as a member of the  General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. is a corporate law firm with its main offices located in Miami, Florida with offices throughout the United States. As a law firm, we do more than just help you form your business entity. We stand ready to help with the maintenance of your legal business entity! We will assist you with Incorporation Service, Trademarks, Copyrights, Estate Planning, Legal Counsel, Wills, Trusts, Agreements & Leases, Corporate & Company

The “Taxing” Consequences Of Identity Theft

The “Taxing” Consequences Of Identity Theft published on

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, TAX SEASON! That time of the year when thoughts of new cars and tropical vacations dance through your head. The ways to spend your refund are endless and irresponsible, but you desire a reward. With your W2s and receipts you race to your tax advisor, to hear how much Uncle Sam owes you. Suddenly shock sets in as your tax advisor informs you that your tax return was already filed and your refund collected. You stand irate and demand an explanation.

Identity TheftYour tax advisor adjusts his bifocals to explain that tax-related identity theft occurs when someone steals your Social Security number (“SSN”), files a tax return and fraudulently collects your refund. The theft of your SSN may go unnoticed until you attempt to file your tax return, a collection action is commenced against you for a year you did not file a tax return, you receive a letter from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) informing you of suspicious return using your SSN or the letter indicates you received wages from an employer you never worked for. But by then the thief has absconded with your refund and is enjoying your tropical vacation, leaving you wondering what to do.

What you need to do next

If your SSN is stolen and identity jeopardized, you should file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”), and contact your financial institutions to close any accounts compromised by identity thieves. Additionally, immediately respond to any IRS notices, complete IRS Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, and if your electronic tax return is rejected due to duplicate filing under your SSN, file your return by paper and submit it to the IRS. Also, continue to pay your taxes, because while having your identity stolen may be stressful, the consequence of the IRS are taxing!

If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have questions about identity theft, call (800) 734-9900 or for assistance. Remember, as a member of the  General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. is a corporate law firm with its main offices located in Miami, Florida with offices throughout the United States. As a law firm, we do more than just help you form your business entity. We stand ready to help with the maintenance of your legal business entity! We will assist you with Incorporation Service, Trademarks, Copyrights, Estate Planning, Legal Counsel, Wills, Trusts, Agreements & Leases, Corporate & Company

Microloans To Raise Money For Your Business

Microloans To Raise Money For Your Business published on

Microloans are loans that are usually under $50,000. Microloans can usually be obtained with more ease and in less time than a traditional loan. The U.S. Small Business Administration has a microloan program that lists eligibility requirements as well as the repayment terms, interests rates, and fees. The SBA provides that:

“Use of Microloans Proceeds Microloans can be used for:
Working Capital
Inventory or Supplies
Furniture or Fixtures
Machinery or Equipment

Proceeds from an SBA microloan cannot be used to pay existing debts or to purchase real estate.”

The microloan program operates with intermediary lenders being provided the money for microloans by the SBA, The intermediary lender decides the lending and credit requirements.

If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have questions about microloans, call (800) 734-9900 for assistance. Remember, as a member of the  General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. is a corporate law firm with its main offices located in Miami, Florida with offices throughout the United States. As a law firm, we do more than just help you form your business entity. We stand ready to help with the maintenance of your legal business entity! We will assist you with Incorporation Service, Trademarks, Copyrights, Estate Planning, Legal Counsel, Wills, Trusts, Agreements & Leases, Corporate & Company

Is This The Right Time To Start A Business?

Is This The Right Time To Start A Business? published on


With the 2016 presidential election right around the corner and the race to become the most powerful leader in the world, it is no surprise that the subject of  “small business” is starting to pop up more and more in the campaign trails and televised debates. Every candidate, whether a Democrat or Republican, has a different strategy when it comes to startups leading to entrepreneurs wondering if this is the right time to start a business. We’ve heard many ask if it’d be best to wait after we elect a new president. The answer is always NOW! We want to help you understand the ins and outs of starting a business and to succeed as an entrepreneur.

Many entrepreneurs rush in and launch their business without the proper advice and without thinking it through. To begin, seek the advice of a professional, attorney and accountant, and ask yourself a few questions:

  1. Who will you sell to? Who is your market share? The more narrowly you are able to define your target market, the better. Whether it’s teenagers, elderly, midsized businesses, hotels, narrowing the scope helps you focus to their specific needs. You will need to do some market research to discover the most profitable target market for your services or products.
  2. Who is your competition? Have your friends close, and your competition even closer. When you conduct the market research, it will reveal your competition. Who are they, what are they offering, and what you can do better. What are their key advantages and selling points, what can you offer that is better or different to meet the customers’ needs?
  3. Where will you be located? Many businesses today are virtual; they have a telephone, fax, scanner and that is it. But location, depending on the business, may affect your startup costs drastically if it has to be a brick and mortar business. Do you need to rent a commercial business location or could you get by in a small space or working from a home office?
  4. How much will it costs to get started? How much capital do you need to start this business? Be sure to include incorporation costs, costs of location costs of inventory, equipment, taxes and employees. A good rule of thumb is to have enough to finance your business for 6 to 18 months.
  5. Who will do the work? Do you need to hire staff? If so, that adds to the expenses. How much of the work can be done by you and your loved ones? Many times clients start as a one man show. As demand for your products or services increases, so would you need to evaluate manpower. Take a look at the situation on a day-to-day basis.

Taking all these things into consideration can help you start your business or your second business. Always do your homework, but do not delay in taking the plunge; if you do not risk you will not reap the rewards!

Check out our Radio Show for valuable insight from a seasoned entrepreneur on How to Start a Business.

If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have questions about starting or running a business, call (800) 734-9900 or for assistance. Remember, as a member of the  General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. is a corporate law firm with its main offices located in Miami, Florida with offices throughout the United States. As a law firm, we do more than just help you form your business entity. We stand ready to help with the maintenance of your legal business entity! We will assist you with Incorporation Service, Trademarks, Copyrights, Estate Planning, Legal Counsel, Wills, Trusts, Agreements & Leases, Corporate & Company Changes.

“Heart Act” Helps Reservists Meet Their Daily Needs

“Heart Act” Helps Reservists Meet Their Daily Needs published on

The US Senate Finance Committee recently approved a series of tax credit extensions, including a 2-year extension that assists small businesses, military reservists, and National Guard members called to active duty. Originally enacted as part of the Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008 (The Heart Act), the provision provides a tax credit of 20% to small employers with under 50 employees. The 20% is calculated from the differential amount that an employer would pay while the employee is on active duty. For example, if a reservist gets paid $2,000 per month from their employer, but only $1000 per month while on active duty, an employer would get a tax credit on $1,000 (or $2000) that the employer would pay to maintain the $2,000 per month salary.


The credit incentives small businesses to continue paying their employee’s salary, therefore ensuring that reservists, the men and women in the National Guard, and their families, are able to meet their daily needs.

If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have questions about Tax Credits, call (800) 734-9900 or for assistance. Remember, as a member of the  General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.



Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. is a corporate law firm with its main offices located in Miami, Florida with offices throughout the United States. As a law firm, we do more than just help you form your business entity. We stand ready to help with the maintenance of your legal business entity! We will assist you with Incorporation Service, Trademarks, Copyrights, Estate Planning, Legal Counsel, Wills, Trusts, Agreements & Leases, Corporate & Company Changes.

Has YOUR Attorney Reviewed The Commercial Lease Agreement?

Has YOUR Attorney Reviewed The Commercial Lease Agreement? published on

Before you enter into a Commercial Lease Agreement there are important considerations to be made as to why it should be reviewed by your Attorney.

Lease Agreement21. The Landlord: Leases are usually drafted by the Landlord or their attorney and , therefore, typically the terms are favorable to and beneficial for the Landlord.

2. Lease Size: Leases tend to be so voluminous and dense from the tenant’s point of view. The Landlord is unlikely to take a careful review of the lease document to assure it reflects your lease and the terms you agreed to. Additionally, due to the volume of the Lease and the use of legalese sometimes you as the Tenant are not certain as to what you are signing. For example, a personal guaranty provision – which eliminates any protection your corporate entity or limited liability company might provide against someone suing your business and attaching your personal assets – is often buried deep in a lease agreement or in the exhibits and most times Tenants do not realize they have a signed one. Your attorney will carefully review the lease documents and sift through all the legalese.

3. Protection from competition. Your attorney will likely make a point of reviewing your Lease agreement to be certain that your Lease prohibits the Landlord from renting to your direct competition.

These three points only scratch the surface!

If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have questions about Commercial Lease Agreement, call (800) 734-9900 or for assistance. Remember, as a member of the  General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. is a corporate law firm with its main offices located in Miami, Florida with offices throughout the United States. As a law firm, we do more than just help you form your business entity. We stand ready to help with the maintenance of your legal business entity! We will assist you with Incorporation Service, Trademarks, Copyrights, Estate Planning, Legal Counsel, Wills, Trusts, Agreements & Leases, Corporate & Company Changes.

Asset Protection With A Limited Liability Company

Asset Protection With A Limited Liability Company published on

There are several factors that have to be considered before organizing a Limited Liability Company (LLC) that can protect assets from the reach of creditors in a legal dispute. Some of the factors to be considered in making this baseline determination should include:

  • The legitimate business purpose of the LLC
  • The number of owners in the LLC and how the LLC may need to be divided or funded among those owners
  • The taxation of the LLC
  • The ongoing costs of the LLC
  • The history of use of a LLC for the particular purpose it’s being considered for, including case law

Succession picture(1)Assuming these all support the LLC as a good fit for the usage at hand as opposed to some other legal structure such as a corporation, trust, or partnership, you must look at some other specific factors to determine how many LLCs an individual may need. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t always need a separate LLC for every piece of real estate. Similarly, an LLC is not a universal fit for every situation or every asset. It should not be funded like a garbage can, where multiple properties, businesses, and even safe passive assets are mixed into a cocktail of liability. This is a common fatal flaw seen in asset protection plans that are structured without assistance of an experienced attorney.

It is critical for business owners to seek preventive legal counseling to carefully consider creation of asset protection plans before legal disputes have arisen so that LLCs can be properly used as one of the tools to protect assets.

If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have questions about Asset Protection, call (800) 734-9900 or for assistance. Remember, as a member of the  General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. is a corporate law firm with its main offices located in Miami, Florida with offices throughout the United States. As a law firm, we do more than just help you form your business entity. We stand ready to help with the maintenance of your legal business entity! We will assist you with Incorporation Service, Trademarks, Copyrights, Estate Planning, Legal Counsel, Wills, Trusts, Agreements & Leases, Corporate & Company Changes.