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Attorney Registered Agent Service | Includes Legal Advice

Attorney Registered Agent Service | Includes Legal Advice published on

Registered Agent Service with Attorney-client Privilege and Legal Advice

A Registered Agent—also known as a statutory agent or agent for service of process—is a third-party entity or person appointed to receive important state and court correspondences like Annual State Filings, Biennial State Filings, Tax Notices, Court Notices; among other official documentation. The Registered Agent will collect the official mail or notifications, then process and communicate them accordingly to the business owner.

Call our law firm at (800) 603-3900 to order Registered Agent Service by phone.

Order Registered Agent Service

* Please give our attorneys up to 4 business hours to call your phone. Thank you.

Role of a Registered Agent

The state government requires you to provide someone as a point of contact for your business at all times to accept documents on your behalf. A registered agent is particularly important if you don’t have a physical location in that state since P.O boxes don’t fulfill this requirement. You can’t afford to miss critical information on tax payments or lawsuits concerning your business, either. It is the registered agent’s job to forward court, state, and other official documents to the business entity and notify them immediately.

The Benefits of a Registered Agent:

  • Dodge Fines and Penalties; ensuring you receive official letters in a timely manner.
  • Freedom to be away or unavailable during normal business hours.
  • Privacy and anonymity; public records show the registered agent’s address instead of yours.
  • Peace of mind; not having to be responsible for receiving official mail, staying at business location, or receiving lawsuit or tax documents in front of others.
  • You can change locations without having to file a change of address with the state government.

On the other hand, if you don’t have a registered agent (which is required by most states), it might cause you to drop out of “good standing” with the state, which may result in the loss of your business license, among other fines and penalties.

Requirements of a Registered Agent Service

The registered agent of your choice must have a physical street address (no P.O. boxes) and availability at that address during normal business hours. Ideally, you want a registered agent solution that is reputable and responsible for getting documents into your hands promptly to avoid state and court sanctions, default lawsuits, and judgments, among other fines and penalties.

Attorney Registered Agent Services

At Spiegel & Utrera, P.A., we provide Registered Agent Solutions with Attorney Client Privilege. You know that Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. offers complete business formation services, years of experience that can’t be matched by many and of course the best price out there! But maybe the most important reason is, the Attorney-Client Privilege in effect:

This means that if you receive a subpoena to produce information about your corporation, LLC, Partnership or Trust because of alimony, child support, bankruptcy, debt collection, foreclosure, IRS, tax collection, government enforcement action, criminal matter or anything else, Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. is duty-bound NOT TO DISCLOSE any information contained in any client communications whether oral or written. This is a powerful legal precedent to have to work for you and you can only obtain it from a lawyer. A non-lawyer Registered Agent or Registered Office service does not offer this valuable confidentiality protection.

Articles of Incorporation: Create, Replace, Amend your Corporate Records

Articles of Incorporation: Create, Replace, Amend your Corporate Records published on

Articles of Incorporation: Create, Replace, or Amend

The articles of incorporation are legal documents that solidify the presence of a business entity within a state. The term articles of incorporation are assigned to a corporation, while the term articles of organization apply to a limited liability company (LLC). Along with corporate by-laws, the articles of incorporation outline the jurisdiction of a corporation, as granted by the state government.

If you’d like to create, replace, or amend your Articles of Incorporation, call our main office at (800) 603-3900 or Click Here to order online. For a call-back within 4 hours, please fill out the form below. Thank you.

Certified Articles of Incorporation

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. can draft the articles of incorporation or organization with the well-being of your business in mind. Our complete incorporating package includes the articles of incorporation along with:

Each Corporation or Limited Liability Company is COMPLETE

INCLUDES State Filing Fee, “YES! Includes State Filing Fee”
INCLUDES Corporate or Company Seal and Book
INCLUDES Certificate or Articles of Incorporation or Organization
INCLUDES Company or Corporate Minutes
INCLUDES Corporate By Laws or LLC Regulations
INCLUDES Corporate or LLC Ownership Register
INCLUDES Banking Resolution
INCLUDES Membership or Stock Certificate
INCLUDES Preliminary Name Search
INCLUDES 110% Lowest Price Guarantee !

Yes, even INCLUDES Attorney’s Fee (No Hidden Attorney Fees).

What’s the secret to such great prices?


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* Please give our attorneys up to 4 business hours to contact you. Thank you.

Contents of the Articles of Incorporation

Articles of Incorporation typically (depends on state requirements) include:

  • Name of Corporation
  • Principal Office – Address
  • Purpose of Corporation – “Any Lawful Purpose”
  • Type of Business – For Profit, Non-Profit, Partnership
  • Registered Agent – Initial Agent for Service of Process
  • Number of Shares – Corporate Capitalization
  • Term of Existence – Perpetual or otherwise
  • Registered Owners
  • Effective Date
  • By-Laws

Getting your Articles of Incorporation When Starting a Corporation

Articles of incorporation or articles of organization outline the structure of your entity. They declare whether or not the entity structure will be a for-profit corporation, limited liability company, or non-profit corporation. You get a ton of perks for doing so; like state and business-specific tax advantages, protection from creditors, immunity to personal liability, gaining anonymity and protecting your personal assets, easier access to capital, enhanced business credibility and authority, and transferable ownership.

Did you lose your Corporate Records? Create or replace it here!

Did you lose your Corporate Records? Create or replace it here! published on

Create or Replace your Corporate Records

Lost corporate records or a lost minute book can be a major problem for both you and your corporation, as the corporate minute book is one of the most important business documents you and the corporation can have. Its purpose is to contain all the corporation’s important documents, such as the certificate of incorporation, articles of incorporation, along with records of important actions taken by the corporation, such as issuing shares, purchasing real estate, purchasing other businesses, obtaining various licenses. The loss of the corporate kit and minute book can be a catastrophic event for your corporation, so all possible steps should be made to keep it safe.

Call our law firm at (800) 603-3900 to order by phone.

Submit contact details for immediate assistance:
* Please give our attorneys up to 4 business hours to contact you. Thank you.

Corporate matters that require your corporate records

Your corporate records may prove to be an important link for a number of corporate matters, such as:

  • Licenses: Licensing authorities require corporate documentation over an extended period of time, the corporate minute book is necessary to substantiate the information.
  • Audits: Your corporate minute book may be the most complete corporate record you have, should an audit occur, its contents will probably be desired. There are situations where the Internal Revenue Service and state taxing authorities may want to review your corporate minute book.
  • Borrowing Money: Banks must do due diligence in order to satisfy themselves before committing to lending sums of money to a corporation. The corporate minute book will be reviewed by them.
  • Investors: Many investors may want to view your corporate minute book before they invest in your company. If you cannot provide this, they may be less willing to invest.

Replacing Lost Corporate Records

At Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. we can assist in reassembling misplaced or lost corporate records or minute books. We will reconstruct the corporate kit or minute book based upon the history of the corporation from information which we will ascertain. If you would like us to help in reassembling and/or replacing a lost corporate kit or minute book, click here.

Leveraged Buyouts: Buy a Business With No Money Down

Leveraged Buyouts: Buy a Business With No Money Down published on

Leveraged Buyout: Buy a business with no down-payment

Folks buy houses and even apartment buildings with no money down all the time, so why not buy a business with nothing down? A leveraged buyout allows you to buy a business with no down payment.  Just think of the advantages of the leveraged buyout:

  • You receive an existing customer base.
  • You receive a business with immediate sales and steady cash flow.
  • Your staff is hired and in place.
  • Your new business will already have its company policies and procedures established.
  • Your new business may have trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property.
  • The existing assets of the business will be used by you to borrow funds and complete the purchase of the business.
  • Interest payments on the funds borrowed by the business to complete the purchase will be tax deductible.
Leveraged Buyout Lawyer
Submit contact details for immediate assistance:
* Please give our attorneys up to 4 business hours to contact you. Thank you.

Call (800) 603-3900 if you have any questions or for a free attorney consultation.

At Spiegel & Utrera, P.A., our attorneys can help you with the initial steps of your leveraged buyout. We have an opportunity called the Leveraged Buyout Collection and this consists of:

  • A long-term loan and debenture purchase agreement to provide working capital;
  • A security agreement to allow greater lender confidence through collateralization of the debtor corporation’s assets;
  • A senior subordinated note indenture for additional financing;
  • An asset purchase agreement for sales of the acquired corporation’s inventory, accounts receivable, intellectual property and other assets;
  • A stock purchase agreement for the purchase of shares of the acquirer.

If you are only beginning to consider the Leveraged Buyout as a business opportunity, your option may very well be to retain an attorney at Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. to help you identify a business which you can purchase using the Leveraged Buyout Collection.  Lawyers at Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. are always willing to assist you. Simply click here and send us an email requesting assistance.

Check out our video on using the leveraged buyout to buy a business or real estate!

Client Testimonial: Roger Davis


My attorney for 30 years. They really do more than just set up corporations. I needed somebody to help me out of a serious legal matter they were able to take on the case for less than 1/2 of what the other attorney was charging me. Become a member of their Club it's like a hundred forty bucks a year and you get all the free legal advice you want. What a cheap insurance policy. I am so glad that I have them on my side.

6 Things To Consider When Opening A Business

6 Things To Consider When Opening A Business published on

What you should know before you start your new business. Here are 6 things to consider when opening a business.


6 Things to consider when opening a business:

Business is not easy.  It takes work to not only start them, but make them thrive.  Below are six things every entrepreneur should consider before diving into a small business.

  1. Know what you’re getting into. Have you taken every step you need to take to learn about your business?  It is important to remember that sometimes your business has to be more than just an idea.
  2. Learn about your business. What are you selling?  Consider what is the good and bad about the product? What kind of mistakes have other businesses made?  What did they do to be successful?
  3. I.S.S. Don’t throw all your money overboard on something just to get attention.  You can always add to your business as it becomes more and more successful.
  4. If you are shy, its time to work on your outgoing skills.  Become more vibrant.
  5. Know the legalities of your business. The laws of opening a business are important.  If you don’t do it correctly, you can face major penalties which will in-turn, set your business back.
  6. It is important to set your business up for success, but you also need to set yourself up for those gut punches that life can hand you. How much money does it cost to run your business?  How long can you or your family survive with what you currently have in the account.  It is not uncommon that people start a business part time and grow it to a full-time business.  This is actually the smart thing to do


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Not Ready? Have More Questions?
If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have business related questions, call (800) 734-9900 or for assistance. Remember, as a member of the General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.

Starting A Side Business

Starting A Side Business published on
Start A Side Business

Starting a Side Business

With the way that today’s economy is running, it is not uncommon to see several family members living in one house to be able to pay the mortgage or rent.  Its not uncommon however, to see the car running down the street on only 3 1/2 wheels because you can’t afford the cost of a new car.  Better yet, you cant afford the insurance that goes along with it.

Why not start a side business of your own?

You have thought about it many times, just like the rest of us, “how can I get a little bit more money coming into my house so that I don’t have to live paycheck to paycheck and without working 20 hours per day to do so”.  To start working a second job is pretty tough.  It requires day after day of working job number one to come home, or maybe not coming home, change and report to job number two.  Don’t forget that you also need to fit eating and sleeping in there somewhere.

What about a side business?

We all know that it is less likely that you can just quit your current job and jump head first into a new business with out even knowing how successful you may or may not be.  So maybe it is a good idea to start a side or part time business that can be operated when you have the time.

Now the only question we have to answer is What type of business is a good idea?  The first thing you would have to ask your self is “what do you like to do?”  Well, that just opened a can of worms didn’t it?  Let’s make it more specific.  “What do you like to do that the community can benefit from and pay you for?

What are you into?

There are so many types of jobs that you could do, but here are a few that may spark a fire in your mind.

  1. Blogging/Vlogging –  These days it is so easy to get a good blog out there.  Many people will pay for your advice.  I cannot stress enough how many people use google, yahoo or any other search engine to get advice on what car to buy or what movie to go see.  Writing reviews for up and coming movies can be quite profitable.  Plus who can resist the opportunity to go see a free movie before it even comes out to the public?
  2. Photography/Graphic Design – lets face it, our phones have great cameras these days, and we can take pictures of almost anything. A photographer has more access to the background.  The things you don’t even know are going on until the pictures are revealed.
  3. Online classes or tutorials – Are you a teacher? Would you like to teach people how to make a cake?  This may be a great second job for you.  Not only would you be able to hold a webinar to teach live classes, but you can offer the people you are targeting an opportunity to purchase the video for their own homes.  Maybe you would like to help people get fit.  You can start vlogging your personal training secrets and make tons of money just by expressing your opinion.

Are You Ready To Get Started?

It would not be too hard to create a business for side work and making extra money.  All you need to do is think about your approach, and make a plan.  We can help you with all of it.  If you have an idea of a business that you would like to start,  and we will get you that extra cash that you have been needing.

Not Ready? Have More Questions?
If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have business related questions, call (800) 734-9900 or for assistance. Remember, as a member of the General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.

How Hard Would It Be to Purchase a Business?

How Hard Would It Be to Purchase a Business? published on

Where Should You Start?

Start a Business

Before you purchase a business, you have to ask your self the following questions:
How do I find out what a business is worth?
How can the sellers client list benefit you?
Can I get a line of credit to help me with the business?

Lets explore some of these questions, and hopefully get you into your business with a great deal of confidence and a very large profit.  Spiegel & Utrera can help guide you with the purchase and Start Your Business Today.

How do I find out what the business is worth?

So, what is a business worth? That question is only answerable by you. A business should be work a year’s profit. Can you operate that business and make that income? What are your abilities to either sell the yearly estimated profit or perhaps more? You would actually have to do some investigating to find out how the seller has been operating their business. Does the business come with a client list? Does the purchase include the equipment in the business? The equipment is a good asset, but it has to be usable What is it worth today?

How can the sellers client list benefit you?

If the seller has a client list, this can be valuable. The client list will enable you to reach out to each client ans assure them that their level of service will continue and get better.  This client list has many familiar users who can also spread the word about the new owner and help promote your business by word-of-mouth.

How can I get a line of credit toward the business?

Purchasing a business and registering it as yours can potentially open the floor for a business line of credit.  With a healthy client list, business model and hard work it should be easy enough to obtain the line of credit for your new business

Not Ready? Have More Questions?
If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have business related questions, call (800) 734-9900 or for assistance. Remember, as a member of the  General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. is a corporate law firm with its main offices located in Miami, Florida with offices throughout the United States. As a law firm, we do more than just help you form your business entity. We stand ready to help with the maintenance of your legal business entity! We will assist you with Incorporation Service, Trademarks, Copyrights, Estate Planning, Legal Counsel, Wills,Trusts, Agreements & Leases, Corporate & Company

Lead Generation Systems

Lead Generation Systems published on

With the status of our economy today it is no wonder that many people have decided to create a business from something that either they love doing or that they feel they can improve on from their last place of employment.  In order to grow the business, you need to generate leads for your business.  Here are some things you should be doing to become a successful business.


Email Marketing

When an inquirer comes to your website, it is important to make it as simple as possible to guide your potential customer to the contact area.  When the visitor to your site finds it easy to communicate with your company and find your products on your website, they may be all too interested in giving you their email and phone number.  This is the easiest way to solicit new business.  The customer is on your site with a pre-determination that they are looking for what you are selling.  If you leave them no way to contact them, there will be no lead and the customer may disengage from your service.  Once they leave their information, “thank you for visiting our site.”  Communicate about their experience, create a business relationship if you can, and most importantly sell them the product.

Social Media Marketing

Let’s be real, budget is always on everyone’s mind.  Social media is and important piece of the marketing puzzle.  So many people today have at least on or all of the many social media forms located at the palm of their hand.  Many of the social media sites offer business pages and ways to boost your business for pennies on the dollar.  Some of them even pay you if you get thousands of views.  Technology even knows what you are looking for.  When you search Google for a pair of socks Facebook and Instagram will send you links to socks for the next few months?

Events and Webinars

Events are great.  When promoting your business, its good to get many people of the same interest into one area.  Not only will that allow you to network, but your customers will feel a sense of community.  They will work together and refer people to your business.  In this case you are educating your clients, offering them a great opportunity to improve their knowledge, and in the process your business will gain more leads.

People who are interested in generating a profitable business talk about what they will do.  People who are committed to their business will go out and do what is needed to be successful.  One of the many important things a business owner can do is generate lead for their business.  There are so many resources available today that generating leads should be a very easy thing to do.

Not Ready? Have More Questions?
If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have business related questions, call (800) 734-9900 or for assistance. Remember, as a member of the General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. is a corporate law firm with its main offices located in Miami, Florida with offices throughout the United States. As a law firm, we do more than just help you form your business entity. We stand ready to help with the maintenance of your legal business entity! We will assist you with Incorporation Service, Trademarks, Copyrights, Estate Planning, Legal Counsel, Wills,Trusts, Agreements & Leases, Corporate & Company

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What To Consider Before You Purchase A Business

What To Consider Before You Purchase A Business published on

After years of personal training with Brian, he reveals to you that he wants to retire, and sell his personal training business.  A bell goes off in your head.  How hard would it be to purchase a business?  What do you need to know?

You ask yourself the following questions:

  • How do I find out what the business is worth?
  • How can I get a line of credit towards the business?
  • If someone gets hurt, what is my liability to the client?
  • If I take a client to lunch, can I simply eat? Do I have to be discussing training the whole time?

We are going to explore all of the above questions, and hopefully get you into your business with a great deal of confidence and a very large profit.

Purchase a Business

So, what is Brian’s business worth?  That question is only answerable by you.  A business should be worth a year’s worth of profit.  Can you operate that business and make that income?  What are your abilities to either sell the yearly estimated profit or perhaps more?  You would actually have to do some investigating to find out how Brian has been selling his training sessions and operating his business. Does the business come with his client list?  Is he selling his own equipment?  What is it worth today?

Purchase a business
Purchase A Business

Acquiring Business Credit

Buying his business came with equipment and a short list of clients.  Advertisement these days are expensive; or is it?  With technology today, we have access to free advertisement in its rawest form.  Social media is one of our biggest allies when it comes to advertisement.  For the most part it is free.  The client list is a great idea, because you can reach out to each client and let them know what specials you are running.  The equipment is a good asset, but it has to be usable.

What if you wanted to purchase new equipment?

It may be in your best interest to lease the new equipment and purchase your supplies on a credit card so that your business will build its credit.  Once your credit is good, you could take a loan from an asset-based lender and invest more into your business.

Promoting Your Business

Since the business is mobile, you may choose to visit people at their house and continue their fitness goals from there.  There is a way to also attract customers by offering a stationary place once or twice a week.  Perhaps a workout at the park on Monday and Wednesday mornings.  By giving a specific location as to where you will be, you will see more customers arrive to your stationary site.  This also allows for referrals and customer inquiries.

You could also accommodate your customers at a private gym in your own home.  The only question left to ask is what happens if someone gets hurt in my home while training?  Would my homeowner insurance cover it?  Ultimately if you are conducting a business in your home it might be a better idea to just rent out a private room in the house to the business. You should then already have liability insurance on the business, and you can leave your own personal liability out of the loop.  It is also advisable to have your clients sign a liability waiver as well prior to their workouts.

Legitimate Business Expenses

Finally, you and your client are going to a restaurant so that you can teach your client what they can choose when eating out.  Must your entire meal be all about business to qualify for a business expense?  In this case, the meal is about business.  If your client can not figure out what he can eat when taking his wife to the restaurant, it is likely that he will fail on the fitness plan that you have prescribed for him.  You don’t have to talk about diet during the entire meal or lecture him about the greasy fats in the burger, but you have to have a business purpose.  When counting this meal as an expense it is wise to write on the receipt what the meal was for and give it to the person who is doing the accounting for your business.

Visit our YouTube for more information like this.

Not Ready? Have More Questions?
If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have business related questions, call (800) 734-9900 or for assistance. Remember, as a member of the  General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. is a corporate law firm with its main offices located in Miami, Florida with offices throughout the United States. As a law firm, we do more than just help you form your business entity. We stand ready to help with the maintenance of your legal business entity! We will assist you with Incorporation Service, Trademarks, Copyrights, Estate Planning, Legal Counsel, Wills,Trusts, Agreements & Leases, Corporate & Company

Recover From The Loss Of A Business Partner

Recover From The Loss Of A Business Partner published on

The death of a business partner is devastating.  After the memorials have been completed and funeral held, the time has come to think about what is left in his aftermath.  It is  pretty common, that when dealing with a partnership, one of the partners specializes in one area while you specialize in another.  How do we move on from such a difficult time?  In this segment, we are going to discuss restructuring a business, what is the business worth, going through property in probate to determine who the business will be passed on to, and continuing to make the business prosper. 

Business Must Go On!  What Do You Do Now?

As you leave the office of the lawyer, you have been informed that your partner left a will.  His son was given his share of the business.   The restaurant, Smokey’s Ribs and Burgers, is now in limbo. Fortunately, his son is willing to sell his share of the business to you.  After going through probate, you sit with the son and determine what he expects to receive from his share of the business.  How much is he asking for it?

Purchasing a business

In conversation, you both agree that you will purchase his part of the business, but what is it worth?   One of the best ways to determine the worth of a business is to investigate it.  You should find out how is business conducted and how is it reported?  First, carefully review all paperwork related to the business and its finances.  This will assist you with evaluating the value of the business.  You can also study the business in person to see how the seller runs their business.  Also, you may want to study its demographics as well.

Business Partner

Once you agree on the price, you and the decedents son must make a contract to sell the business to you.  Moving forward, the next decision is how does the business operate moving forward?  Do you find a new partner? Do you change the type of business to a S- Corp?   Each situation is different, but it may be wise to go see an attorney to determine which entity is better for your situation.

Adding A Vehicle To the Business

The restaurant does well on its own, but with the rise in food trucks you decide to venture out into this uncharted territory.  At this time, you meet a young man who has agreed to cook for you on the food truck.  His past experience with your competition is a great asset to the business.  You have a few questions, Is it legal to have his past patrons follow him to this truck?  The answer is yes.  If your new employee happened to have personal contact with these clients or is able to advertise on his own social media, there is no wrong doing in this.

** Building a business is difficult, but recovering after a loss, can be devastating for a business.  It is important to remember to keep your head up and reach for the moon.  Even if you come up short, you will still be among the stars.

Visit our YouTube channel for more information.

Not Ready? Have More Questions?
If you are a member of Spiegel & Utrera, P.A.’s General Counsel Club and have business related questions, call (800) 734-9900 or for assistance. Remember, as a member of the  General Counsel Club, you receive unlimited legal, business, credit and tax advice all year long.

Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. is a corporate law firm with its main offices located in Miami, Florida with offices throughout the United States. As a law firm, we do more than just help you form your business entity. We stand ready to help with the maintenance of your legal business entity! We will assist you with Incorporation Service, Trademarks, Copyrights, Estate Planning, Legal Counsel, Wills,Trusts, Agreements & Leases, Corporate & Company