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Nevada Silverflume: How to get your business name

One of the first and most important steps to starting your own business in Nevada is to visit the SilverFlume business search page and perform a name search to choose a business name that will properly represent and benefit your LLC, Corporation, or Non-Profit. All important legal and business documents will depend on the name you choose after your SilverFlume business search: such as your articles of organization or incorporation, loan documents, all contracts and agreements, any advertising and marketing material, business cards, company website name and much more. Doing a business name search in the SilverFlume business search database and coming up with a catchy and memorable name could mean great branding and free publicity for your company, among many other advantages.

Free business name search when you Incorporate or Form an LLC with us.
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How to Choose the Perfect Name for Your Business in Nevada

After helping many thousands of people incorporate and name their businesses; we know how hard it can be to come up with a business name that follows the legal requirements, gives your business a competitive advantage, and represents your business values. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing the perfect name for your Nevada business:

  1. Memorable, catchy and easy to pronounce.
  2. Brandable based on your business products and services.
  3. Website Domain Name availability and Social Media friendliness.
  4. Evergreen; a name that will always be relevant and stand the test of time.
  5. A name that won’t be limiting if you grow and expand or offer new products/services.

Legal Considerations of Naming Your Business in Nevada

The name of a business in Nevada must abide by all state requirements and be uniquely distinguishable from other business names. If starting a limited liability company; LLC, Company, or Limited Liability Company has to be present at the end of every business name, and can’t contain the words incorporated, corporation, or it’s abbreviations (Inc. or Corp.). If you use a name that is too similar to a name used by your competition, that business may accuse you of a trademark violation; you might be forced to choose a different name and may even have to pay monetary damages. Part of our complete incorporation package includes, at no additional cost, our attorneys helping you find and choose a name that avoids any possible legal penalties.

Need help searching for a business name?

Each company formation includes our name search service:

INCLUDES State Filing Fee, “YES! Includes State Filing Fee”
INCLUDES Corporate or Company Seal and Book
INCLUDES Certificate or Articles of Incorporation or Organization
INCLUDES Company or Corporate Minutes
INCLUDES Corporate By Laws or LLC Regulations
INCLUDES Corporate or LLC Ownership Register
INCLUDES Banking Resolution
INCLUDES Membership or Stock Certificate
INCLUDES Preliminary Name Search
INCLUDES 110% Lowest Price Guarantee!

Yes, even INCLUDES Attorney’s Fee (No Hidden Attorney Fees).


Client Testimonial: Roger Davis


My attorney for 30 years. They really do more than just set up corporations. I needed somebody to help me out of a serious legal matter they were able to take on the case for less than 1/2 of what the other attorney was charging me. Become a member of their Club it's like a hundred forty bucks a year and you get all the free legal advice you want. What a cheap insurance policy. I am so glad that I have them on my side.