Illinois Secretary of State
Business Name Search
Illinois’ Secretary of State – Business Search
Legal Considerations of Naming Your Business in Illinois
The name of a business in Illinois must abide by all state requirements and be uniquely distinguishable from other business names. If starting a limited liability company; LLC, Company, or Limited Liability Company has to be present at the end of every business name, and can’t contain the words incorporated, corporation, or it’s abbreviations (Inc. or Corp.). If you use a name that is too similar to a name used by your competition, that business may accuse you of a trademark violation; you might be forced to choose a different name and may even have to pay monetary damages. Part of our complete incorporation package includes, at no additional cost, our attorneys helping you find and choose a name that avoids any possible legal penalties.
Need Help Choosing a Name?
At, we do a preliminary name search for you, included in our complete incorporation package:
INCLUDES Company Seal and Book,
INCLUDES Articles of Incorporation,
INCLUDES Corporate Minutes,
INCLUDES Corporate By Laws or LLC Regulations,
INCLUDES Membership or Stock Certificate,
INCLUDES Banking Resolution,
INCLUDES Preliminary Name Search,
and talk to a lawyer to get legal advice at no extra cost!
Lastly, we have a 110% Lowest Price Guarantee and we will NOT be undersold.
Call us at
(800) 603 3900