Camarillo Business License
Fillmore Business License
Moorpark Business License
Oak Park Business License
Oxnard Business License
Port Hueneme Business License
Santa Paula Business License
Simi Valley Business License
Thousand Oaks Business License
Ventura Business License
Ventura County Business License
When opening a business in Ventura County, you have to acquire a business license in the city where your business is located. The business license can be titled “business tax certificate” or simply “business license” depending on the county you’re in. Also, based on the type of business you’re starting, you may have to attain additional licenses or certificates—like if you’re going to be leasing or selling products, you must obtain a seller’s permit.
How To Get a Business License
The business licenses you need depend on the business' industry, the product or service you want to sell—and of course, where you want to operate. Permits and business licenses will vary across different localities, states, and counties. The business licenses and permits you need also depends on the business structure; types of Corporations, LLC's, Partnerships. Having employees, and depending on the number of them, might require you to get an extra permit or business license. Some business licenses require certification in specific areas, and you'll need to keep that certification up to date. You're typically required to renew a business license annually. If you need help figuring out the business licenses and permits you need, give us a call at (800) 603-3900.
Business License Requirements
Getting a business license in Ventura County means that there are legal implications you need to be aware of. Why waste time chasing down requirements and the headaches that come with getting something wrong or having your application rejected? We’re here to make it an easy and smooth process for you, as we’ve done for over 200,000 clients. The great thing is, we’re attorneys with over 175 years of accumulated experience; we’ll do it right, and efficiently—without breaking the bank; it’s only $99.95!
Types of Business Licenses
Businesses of all types in the U.S. need to apply for permits and licenses to legally do business, nearly everything from a home-based business to a local restaurant. Some of the common business activities that require a business license or permits include:
- Agriculture
Selling, trading, or transporting animals, animal products, biologics, biotechnology or plants. - Alcoholic Beverages
Selling alcoholic beverages at a retail location. - Aviation
Operating and maintaining aircraft and transporting goods or people via air. - Firearms, Ammo, and Explosives
Selling, manufacturing, or importing firearms, ammunitions, and explosives. - Fish and Wildlife
Any activity related to business transactions of wildlife. - Maritime Transportation
Selling ocean transportation or shipping cargo by sea. - Mining and Drilling
Drilling for natural gas, oil or minerals on federal lands. - Nuclear Energy
Producing or handling nuclear energy. - Radio and Television Broadcasting
Broadcasting by radio, television, wire, satellite, or cable. - Transportation and Logistics
Having a business that operates an oversized or overweight vehicle.
The licenses and permits you need and how much they cost will vary from state to state and depend on your business activities and location. Other business activities that require licenses include:
- Auctions
- Construction
- Dry Cleaning
- Farming
- Plumbing
- Restaurants
- Retail
- Vending Machines
Some licenses and permits expire after a period of time. Keep close track of when you need to renew them to avoid the penalties and losses that come from having your license suspended, your business dissolved, and your business name acquired by someone else. If that's a concern for you, check out our registered agent and office services, and we'll make sure you never miss an official notification. Also, if you don't know what license you need or which agency provides it, give us a call for a free consultation at (800) 603-3900.
“Do I really need a business license?”
Demonstrably, yes! The consequences of not having the necessary licenses, permits, or certificates for your business can result in penalties a lot more troublesome than getting them:
- The government could suspend or close down your business.
- Fees, liens, and interest charges for not complying.
- Government agencies could even seize your assets.
- You could be sued by government or private parties.
- Denial of a license for operating without one in the first place.
The money you spend on getting the licenses and permits you need are tax-deductible startup expenses. Investing a bit of time and $99.95 now will save you a huge headache later. We make it really easy; you can even do it with us online:
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